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Registry Backup

My Faster PC has two built-in backup tools, automatic backups and manual backups. Both let you easily backup your registry.

Automatic Backup Feature (.reg)

Don't worry about making repairs - you can always restore the original registry settings with our automated back feature. Each time My Faster PC repairs a problem in your system registry, it will automatically backup the file it fixes or deletes. These files are saved in your Registry Backup. They are labeled as .reg files with the date and time the backup was made. If you ever need to restore a registry item you repaired, simply select the backup file and click "Resotre Backup." Click "Continue" on the warning prompt and the all items you repaired will be restored just as they were.

Manual Backup Feature (.bkf)

If you want to make a full backup of everything in your system registry, use our manual backup tool. This tool will backup your entire registry plus your "System State." This feature can be useful for troubleshooting bugs or just use it as an extra safety net.

Creating a Backup: Click on the "Registry Backup" tab and click "Create Backup Now." My Faster PC will automatically create a full System State backup.

Restoring a Backup: Click on the "Registry Backup" tab and select the manual backup you want to restore. Full backups are labeled as .bkf files. Once you select the file click "Restore Backup." My Faster PC will open the Backup Utility. Click on the "Restore Wizard," click "Next," verify the correct backup to restore, and click "Next" to continue.