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About the PC Optimizer

PC Optimizer scans your system's settings and configuration to determine which settings we can optimize for improved performance. Just go to the PC Optimizer tool to see what settings can be optimized, and click "Update Settings" to optimize them.

PC Optimizer

About the Settings

Don't clear paging file on shutdown: The paging file is an extension of your PC's physical memory. If you don't have enough real memory installed, your computer will create a paging file on your hard drive to hold this extra data. Usually, when you shut down, the paging file is deleted. By turning this setting off, you can help speed up shut down time. The paging file will be written over when your computer next accesses it. Note: If you access highly secure data on your PC, you may not want to disable this setting.

Reduce Menu Delay: This setting can help speed up your Start Menu's performance by removing the built-in delay.

Disable Indexing Services: This setting can help speed up system performance by turning off the indexing service that crawls through all your files to create a search index. In Windows 7 and Vista, this setting won't turn off indexing for your Start Menu, which can actually speed up menu performance.

Disable Search for Network Files/Printers: This setting can help your Explorer windows open faster when browsing files by turning off a process that can slow down window performance.

Optimize Worker Threads: This setting will optimize the number of system worker threads for better overall performance and multitasking.

Use System Managed Virtual Memory: On most Windows PCs it is important to have the virtual memory and paging file size set correctly. Using the recommended virtual memory setting will be improve system performance.

Reduce Visual Effects: This optional change can be turned on manually to reduce the visual effects used by Windows. In cases with serious performance problems, turning this on may help you get some extra juice out of your PC. This setting will disable the Aero interface for Windows 7 and Vista, so your interface may not look as nice as before, but it should work faster. In general, if you have less than 1GB of memory and are using Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, you may want to consider turning this on to see if it helps.

How to Revert Settings

To revert to your original settings, uncheck all the PC Optimizer checkboxes and click "Update Settings."